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But he wanted me to sell the shit out of them, to all these burly bikers: There was just enough asscrack showing to make a pleasant tip slot, and boy did I ever make some tips! I made a LOT of money this way.

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Aside from tip-hustling, I did sell an ass-ton of shots. Let me tell you, those fucking bikers really know how to party!! I guess a lot of guys save their money all year long to come to Sturgis, which is like the Vegas of the Midwest for that one week a year.

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Or a drink called a Chuck Norris??! Are these redneck drinks, or what?!?!?! THIS is how to party!

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Come to find out…she was in jail!!!! By the eighth and final day of our gig, we were totally exhausted buy physically and mentally. We had heard that on the last cialis of the rally, most of the bikers would already be headed out of town, and the crowd in the saloon would mostly be locals…so we expected it to be kind of a slow night, like in Vegas whenever cheap-ass locals come out.

They drank and partied even harder than the out-of-towners, and were very generous with their bottles, too — although not many bothered to stick them in my ass, buy cialis bottle.

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This time, buy cialis bottle, we were able to sleep in since Craig had to work…and then around 5pm he took us into Rapid City to The Black Hills the airport, buy cialis bottle, bottle we flew back to Vegas. Cialis Gain Tax not attracted: As per section 47 vib of the Income Tax Act, the cialis of any capital asset by the demerged company to buy resulting company will not be regarded as transfer for the purpose of capital cialis.

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