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Published literature has suggested that there may be an increased, although still rare, risk of hypersensitivity reactions, including skin rash, SJS, TEN, hepatotoxicity, and Anticonvulsant Hypersensitivity Syndrome in black patients. Anticonvulsant Hypersensitivity Syndrome Anticonvulsant Hypersensitivity Syndrome AHS is a rare drug induced, multiorgan syndrome which is potentially fatal and occurs in some patients taking anticonvulsant medication.

It is characterized by fever, rash, lymphadenopathy, phenytoin tablets ip 100mg, and other multiorgan pathologies, often hepatic.

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The mechanism is unknown. The interval 100mg first drug exposure and symptoms is usually 2—4 weeks but has been reported in individuals receiving anticonvulsants for 3 or more months. Although up to 1 in 5 patients on Dilantin may develop cutaneous eruptions, only a small proportion will progress to AHS, phenytoin tablets ip 100mg.

Patients at higher risk for developing AHS include black patients, patients who have a family history of or who have experienced this syndrome in the past, and immuno-suppressed patients.

The syndrome is more severe in previously sensitized individuals. If a patient is diagnosed with AHS, discontinue the Dilantin and provide appropriate supportive measures. A 100mg percentage of individuals who have been treated with phenytoin have been shown to metabolize the drug slowly.

Slow metabolism may be due to limited enzyme availability and lack of induction; it appears to be genetically determined. If the rash is exfoliative, purpuric, or bullous or if tablet erythematosus, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, or toxic epidermal necrolysis is suspected, use of this drug should not be resumed and alternative therapy should be considered.

If the rash recurs upon reinstitution of therapy, further phenytoin medication is contraindicated. Additionally, caution should be exercised if using structurally similar compounds e. Hyperglycemia, resulting 100mg the drug's inhibitory effects on insulin release, phenytoin tablets ip 100mg, has been reported.

Phenytoin may also raise the serum glucose level in diabetic patients. Phenytoin and other anticonvulsants that have been shown to induce the CYP enzyme are thought to affect bone mineral metabolism indirectly by increasing the tablet of Vitamin D3, phenytoin tablets ip 100mg. This may lead 100mg Vitamin D deficiency and heightened risk of osteomalacia, bone fractures, osteoporosis, hypocalcemia, and hypophosphatemia in chronically treated epileptic patients.

Phenytoin is not indicated for seizures due to hypoglycemic or other metabolic causes. Appropriate diagnostic procedures should be performed as indicated.

Precautions Before taking phenytoin, tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are allergic to it; or to tablet anti- seizure medications e. This product may contain inactive ingredients, which can cause allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pharmacist for more details.

Before using this medicationtell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: This drug may make you dizzy or drowsy. Do not drive, use machinery, or do any activity that requires alertness until you are sure you can perform such activities safely.

Alcohol may also affect your blood levels of this drug. Tell your doctor you are using phenytoin prior to surgery or any procedure that makes you unable to take it by mouth, phenytoin tablets ip 100mg.

If you have diabetesthis drug may increase your blood sugar levels. Check your blood or urine phenytoin level frequently, as directed by your doctor. Promptly report any abnormal results as directed. Your medicine, exercise planor diet may need to be adjusted. Vitamin D tablets phenytoin be necessary to prevent weakening of the bones osteomalacia. Discuss this with your doctor. During pregnancythis medication should be used only when clearly needed, phenytoin tablets ip 100mg.

It may harm an unborn baby. However, since untreated seizures are a serious condition that can harm both a pregnant woman phenytoin her unborn baby, do not stop taking this medication unless directed by your doctor.

If you are planning pregnancy, become pregnant, or think you may estradiol topical price pregnant, immediately talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks of using this medication during pregnancy.

Since birth control pillspatches, implants, and injections may not work if taken with this medication see also Drug Interactions sectiondiscuss reliable forms of birth control with your doctor.

Phenytoin passes into breast milk. Consult your doctor before breast -feeding. Interactions See also How to Use section. Drug interactions may change how your medications work or increase your risk for serious side effects. This document does not contain all possible drug interactions. In these patients with acute hepatotoxicity, phenytoin should be immediately discontinued and not re-administered.

Hematopoietic System Hematopoietic complications, some fatal, have occasionally been reported in association with administration of phenytoin. These have included thrombocytopenialeukopeniagranulocytopeniaphenytoin tablets ip 100mg, agranulocytosisand pancytopenia with or without bone marrow suppression. There have been a number of reports suggesting a relationship between phenytoin and the development of lymphadenopathy local or generalized including benign lymph node hyperplasiapseudolymphoma, lymphomaand Hodgkin's disease.

Phenytoin a cause and effect relationship has not been established, the occurrence of lymphadenopathy indicates the need to differentiate such a condition from other types of lymph node pathology. In all cases of lymphadenopathy, follow-up observation for an extended period is indicated and every effort should be cheapest generic viagra prices to achieve seizure control using alternative antiepileptic drugs.

Local Toxicity including Purple Glove Syndrome Soft tissue irritation and inflammation has occurred at the site of injection with and without extravasation of intravenous phenytoin.

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Soft tissue irritation may vary from slight tenderness to extensive necrosisand sloughing. The syndrome may not develop for several days after injection. Although resolution of symptoms may be spontaneous, skin necrosis and phenytoin ischemia have occurred and required such interventions as fasciotomies, skin grafting, and, in rare cases, phenytoin tablets ip 100mg, amputation.

Because of the tablet of local toxicity, intravenous Dilantin should be administered directly into a large peripheral or central vein through a 100mg catheter.

Dilantin [September 14, 2013]

Prior to the administration, the patency of the IV catheter should be tested with a flush of sterile saline. Each injection of parenteral Dilantin should then be followed by a flush of sterile saline through the same catheter to avoid local venous irritation due to the alkalinity of the solution.

Alcohol Use Acute alcoholic intake may increase phenytoin serum levels while chronic alcoholic use may decrease serum levels. Exacerbation Of Porphyria In tablet of isolated reports associating phenytoin with exacerbation of porphyriacaution should be exercised in using this medication in patients suffering from mifepristona misoprostol venta chile disease.

Usage In Pregnancy Clinical Risks to Mother An increase in seizure frequency may occur during pregnancy because of altered phenytoin pharmacokinetics.

However, postpartum restoration of the original dosage will probably be indicated. Risks to the Fetus If this phenytoin is used during pregnancy, or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking the drug, the patient should be apprised of the potential harm to the fetus.

Important information You should not use phenytoin if you also take delavirdine Rescriptoror if you are allergic to phenytoin, 100mg Peganonefosphenytoin Cerebyxor mephenytoin Mesantoin.

Phenytoin may cause harm to an unborn baby, but having a seizure during pregnancy could harm both the mother and the baby, phenytoin tablets ip 100mg. Seizure control is very important during pregnancy and the benefits of preventing seizures may outweigh any risks posed by using phenytoin.

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Slideshow Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor, such as: Before taking this medicine You should not use this medicine if you are allergic to phenytoin or similar medicines such as ethotoin, fosphenytoin, or mephenytoin, or if you have: To make sure phenytoin is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have: You may have thoughts about suicide while taking this medicine.

Your doctor will need to check your progress at regular visits while you are using phenytoin. Your cozaar 200mg or other caregivers should also be alert to changes in your mood or symptoms.

Patients of Asian 100mg may have a higher risk of developing a rare but serious skin reaction to phenytoin. Your doctor may recommend a blood test before you start the medication to determine your tablet of this skin reaction.

Seizure control is very important during pregnancy. Do not start or stop taking this medicine without your doctor's advice if you are pregnant. Phenytoin may cause harm to an unborn baby, but having a seizure during pregnancy could harm both mother and baby. Tell your doctor right away if you become pregnant while taking this medicine, phenytoin tablets ip 100mg. If you become pregnant while taking phenytoin, your name may be listed on a pregnancy registry. This is to track the outcome phenytoin the pregnancy and to evaluate any effects of phenytoin on the baby.

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